Brown Street Quiz -- Room with a View

1956 -- 2006

Answer to the previous picture: You're looking west out the closet of the northwest bedroom.


Lately this room was called "Michael's room" since he stayed here while working in the Detroit area.  The first Schmitt occupants were Anne and Lucy.

The Hammers raised a large brood (but not as many as the Schmitts).  Their many boys all went to U of D High (as did their father) -- but not at the same time as Dick, Paul, and Mark.  Dick's eight year return to U of D High as a teacher started when the school's principal was visiting the Hammer family.  When they told him that the Schmitts lived next door, he asked what Dick was doing.  (He had taught Dick senior Latin.)  When told that Dick was teaching at a local grade school, the principal said, "I'd like to talk to him."

The next picture looks easy until you remember that it was taken through a window.  Which one?

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Created on 1 December 2006

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